About us

I am Tom Davis – in 1977 I wanted to get in on the ground floor of the future.  I chose the WBL.  Over a 30 day period I travelled 8,000 miles by bus hoping to get my foot in the door.  The Lord took care of me and sent me to be a part of the Houston Angels.  I was there for two years and then as an assistant coach with the Dallas Diamonds.  

From the beginning I knew I was part of something historic so I took notes, created diaries, or copied office info for myself.  After the 2nd year my sister & I took every box score from the WBL office in New York City and documented every WBL record.

Statistics were my passion, because they are documented history.  Yet, as a new league not everything was available.  So since 2015 I have saved over 6,700 newspaper articles to try and reconstruct the WBL.  

This is my attempt to share with you and the world everything that made up the WBL.  If it is not on the Internet – did it really happen?  Yes, and here it is!  

This Site is Only Possible, Because . . .

of God’s Hand and the Kopp Family.    How?

After I became unemployed in Dallas I put ALL my belongings into a storarge unit.  When I was down to my last $150 I drove to my parent’s home in New York needing to start a new life.  

Yet, the possessions that would remind me of what I was a part of were going to sit in Dallas until I could no longer pay the storage bill.  Every notebook, every program, every uniform would probably end up in a garbage dump in the near future. 

Then one day some friends from Dallas said they were relocating to Connecticut and they asked if I’d like for them to bring my belongings up to the Northeast.  

Only the God who created all things would allow me to reconnect with my WBL past.  Only a family with a love for the Lord and a willingness to serve would move a non-family member’s belongings.   

This site is only possible through God’s mercy and the Kopp’s thoughtfulness.

Tom Davis

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Fun Facts

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Factoid 2

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Service Four

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